An Insightful Companion for the Journey

Saving Jesus

I have found that having companions accompany me on a journey is a lot more fun and interesting than traveling alone. This hold true even if the companions are your rambunctious, squabbling children who keep wanting potty stops and who constantly ask, “Are we there, yet?”

I have found a companion and resource for my journey toward a sane faith. This resource is a DVD from Living the Question entitled “Saving Jesus Redux.” I give it a “thumbs up,” and highly recommend it to you for your journey toward a sane faith.

“Saving Jesus” is marketed as a “12 session exploration of a credible Jesus for the third millennium.” There are a host of theological and Biblical experts, among them Marcus Borg, Diane Butler Bass, John Dominic Crossan, and Bruce McLaren, who share their knowledge, insights and wisdom in a challenging, stimulating, fresh manner. Topics on the DVD run the gamut from “Who Was Jesus,” to “The Teachings of Jesus,” to “The Atonement,” to “The Resurrection”. The scholars who are involved in this DVD give credible answers as to how the people of God can effectively communicate the gospel message to the people around them and participate in the kingdom of God.

Since the first of January, I have been using this resource in a small adult study group from the congregation that I serve, Desert Streams Lutheran Church in Surprise, Arizona. Our presuppositions have challenged. The conversation has been lively and open-minded with a variety of perspectives and reactions expressed. A lot of the material that is presented in the DVD is new to the members of the small group, but they haven’t been threatened by the content. The information is persuasively presented, but it does not demand acceptance—only discussion and thought—and it is not condescending toward those who disagree. In a sense, it is a loving nudge along the journey. A person does not need to be a member of a small group to benefit from this series, but a small group does make it a little more fun.

I have personally found the series to be stimulating and inspiring. It has enabled me to face some of the issues that confronted me in a clearer, more direct manner. I have been encouraged knowing that others are on the same journey that I am and are asking the same questions.

Are there some companions and resources that you would recommend as we walk this journey toward a sane faith? I’d like to know about your suggestions.


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