In Praise of Routines

Wow, Lent if flying by and Easter looms ahead!

How have you been in developing your Lenten habits? For me, I’ve come to appreciate the routine.

Things have been rather topsy-turvy in my part of the world lately. It has been difficult to discipline myself to practice thankfulness, express appreciation, eat fruits and vegetables, and observe a few minutes of silence. I have found that these disciplines are much easier when life is routine. When I start my day at my usual time (the middle of the night for many of you), I can find the five minutes for silence a lot easier than I can with a disturbed night’s sleep or a few extra minutes sleeping in.

I also find that the “habit” of giving thanks for three things when I arise is easier. After a long day and a late night, I have found that giving thanks for three things that happened during the day frequently slips my mind. Maybe I accomplished this task in my dreams.

Being around home and in control of meals is a lot easier than traveling and trying to select some healthy foods—like fruits and vegetables—(and not strawberry cheesecake). It’s hard to get away from fried foods, or vegetables cooked with a couple pads of butter. I enjoy traveling and eating out, but the home cooked meal routine certainly makes it easier to keep up my discipline.

Ordinary days even help me to show my appreciation of others. When at home and in my routine, I have scheduled a specific time for writing a note of appreciation, or making a phone call. When my schedule is shot, my note taking/phone calling is pushed aside at times.

So, I’m still seeking to develop wholistic Lenten habits. Some days it is easier than others. I have come to appreciate the gift of routines. Yeah they can quickly become boring, but they sure do make life easier—and sometimes a person needs that.

More importantly I’m seeing some results. I’m able to live in an attitude of gratitude more often and enjoy the sweetness of life it provides. My relationship with God is starting to be refreshed after a long time of blahness. I’m more aware of all the stuff people do help me or build the ministries of Desert Streams. I certainly couldn’t do much without them.

Now, if I could just fall in love with vegetables and fruits, but sweet chocolate still holds me in her arms.

So, what have you been doing during this season of Lent?

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