An Informative Introduction

An Informative Introduction

The Hidden Gospel of Thomas, William G. Duffy (Silverwood, Bristol, UK, 2020)

An Informative Introduction

William G. Duffy shatters this decades old tradition, with his book, The Hidden Gospel of Thomas. Duffy provides his readers with the complete text of the Gospel of Thomas—a collection of 114 sayings of Jesus—and commentary on each saying. The book is scholarly, well researched, and insightful. It provides the reader with a different, yet complimentary, picture of Jesus.

One of Duffy’s premises is that the sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas must be interpreted from a non-dualistic perspective. He contends that Jesus did not see the world as good versus evil. Instead, Jesus emphasized the unity of humankind, creation and God’s kingdom. About half of the sayings contained in the Gospel of Thomas can be found in the Bible, so this non-dualistic interpretation provides a new and fresh understanding of Jesus’ words.

I really appreciated Duffy’s work. His commentary is insightful, practical and applicable to the world in which we live today. Duffy’s non-dualistic perspective resonates with the work of many of today’s biblical scholars and theologians. It serves as a corrective to many of our long held assumptions and challenges to take new steps of faith as we follow Jesus. The Hidden Gospel of Thomas is not an easy read, but it bears an abundance of fruit for those who spend the time to pick its treasures.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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