Search for Authenticity

Authentic Christianity
Authentic Christianity
Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity: Why It Matters for Followers of Jesus, Peter E. Watts, Charleston, Create Space, 2018.

There are times in our lives, as followers of Jesus when we have felt that our light has flickered and almost gone out, or our saltiness has lost some of its taste. We have questioned the validity of calling ourselves “Christians.” At other times, we have heard the words of others and observed their actions and exclaimed, “How can they call themselves Christians?” We want to “practice what we preach.” Yet, we are not sure what it means to do so.

Peter Watts in his book Authentic Christianity: Why It Matters for Followers of Jesus, has written a helpful book on living an authentic Christian life. Watts identifies and examines forces at work, both in and outside the church, that taint and discolor the genuineness of our lives of faith. He discusses various lifestyle standards for which we might strive. Watts also challenges his readers to live authentically Christian lives both in their relationships with fellow Christians and in their witness to the people around them in their daily lives.

I appreciated Watt’s direct and easy to read style. Each chapter is succinctly written and concludes with a series of helpful discussion questions. These questions are meant for the reader to ponder and for groups of Christians to discuss. I also liked the fact that Watt’s perspective on authenticity is not to work harder or to do more. Rather it is to align our lives more accurately with the proclamation of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus.

I recommend this book. You will find, I believe, it beneficial as you let you light shine and share God’s love and grace.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

3 Replies to “Search for Authenticity”

  1. Caren Leigh Miller says: Reply

    Thanks, Kevin, for an objective summary of what looks like a good read.

  2. Kevin, I appreciate you taking the time to give a review for my book! It was encouraging to read. Good luck on your writing work! I read your home page and it sounds like we are both doing a similar work. Take care, Peter

    1. You’re quite welcome. I hope we can keep in touch as we work to bring forward the reality of God’s kingdom.

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