Beguiled By Beauty


Beguiled by Beauty: Cultivating a Life of Contemplation and Compassion, Wendy Farley (Westminster John Knox, Louisville, 2020).

From the traveling I have done, I have discovered that tour guides are worth their weight in gold. I may have significantly researched an area I planned to visit. When I arrived at my destination, however, I discovered that a tour guide was able to give me a deeper, broader, more insightful experience of the location. Returning home, I had a greater understanding of people, places, and things than I would have if I had simply wandered around and enjoyed the sights and sounds.

After reading Beguiled by Beauty, I feel that Wendy Farley has been my tour guide through the world of contemplation and centering prayer. She has opened my eyes, heart and mind to the beauty of creation and God’s presence in it. As we traveled together through her book, Wendy helped me see things from a different perspective. She demonstrated ways that I could be more open to God’s presence and movement. I also learned some great travel trips for traveling in the world of contemplation and centering prayer.

Beguiled by Beauty is not a “how-to book.” It is, instead, an invitation to open our hearts and minds to beauty, and God, and to live lives of compassion. I recommend this book to anyone who desires to expand their contemplative experience—and to see things again for the first time.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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