The Way to a Man’s Heart

Blessed is the Man
Blessed is the Man
Blessed is the Man

A Whisper is Heard, “Blessed is the Man”

“Blessed is the Man,” by Dale Fredrickson

Society shouts at males, both young and old to “Man up!” The commands are well known. “Stop crying! Real men don’t cry.” “Don’t be a sissy—don’t get emotional.” “Competition and winning make a man.” “Success is wealth, possessions and career advancement.” Boys and men hear these messages day in and day out in classes and schools, and from co-workers and supervisors. It is proclaimed by advertisements, television, radio programs, and social media. The noise never stops.


There have been several attempts to counteract these destructive messages. Often it is accomplished by turning up the volume and yelling, “Go ahead and cry.” “What do you REALLY feel?” “Take more time for your family.” “Pay attention to your inner self.” The messages only add to the din of a man’s life.

Listen to the Whisper

Amid the hubbub of life, a whisper is heard, “Blessed is the Man.” It is an album by Dale Fredrickson. Through poetry and music, Fredrickson, speaks calming words and pours oil on the turbulent waters of men’s hearts. He has discovered a different path—one that is more authentically masculine than the roads to success offered by society. Fredrickson offers understanding, counsel, encouragement and advice. His whispers cut through the blare of modern life and touch the heart.


Fredrickson’s message is not a call for men to get in touch with their feminine side. Rather, it is an invitation to behold all that God has made them to be as males, to celebrate the gift of themselves and to be all that God has created them to be. Fredrickson’s message is an important one. It is one that needs to be heard and heeded.



I received this album free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


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