Book on Bodily Pleasure Describes Christian and Jewish Origins and Their Relevance

Bodily Pleasure
Jewish and Christian Views on Bodily Pleasure

Book on Bodily Pleasure Describes Christian and Jewish Origins and Their Relevance

The Roman Catholic Church has historically placed a great deal of importance on celibacy. Men and women joined monastic communities that taught that the absence of sexual pleasure was essential if one was to nurture his or her relationship with God. Even today, Roman Catholic clergy are expected to be celibate. Protestants may not have stressed celibacy, but sexual purity outside of marriage was expected and dress was to be modest and not provocative. Though the idea of a common Judeo-Christian heritage is freely bantered about, Jews have significantly different views on sex and bodily pleasure than their Christian counterparts.

Robert Cherry, in his book Jewish and Christian Views on Bodily Pleasure: Their Origins and Relevance in the Twentieth-Century, (WIPF & Stock, Eugene, Oregon 2018) examines these differences and their causes. Cherry’s book is the result of extensive research. Though the book is not a Tom Clancy or Danielle Steele page turner, Cherry’s writing does draw readers into his thesis.  Readers discover that historical views on sex and current opinions are based on ideas that were formed and promulgated in the first few centuries of the Common Era. Spawned by Jewish renewal movements including Jesus’ ministry, the views of the Jewish and Christian communities in regards to ascetic behavior slowly diverged. Eventually the Christian community adopted anti-pleasure views and held female sexuality in low esteem, while the Jewish community embraced more positive views on bodily pleasures and female sexuality.

Differences Explained

Today we experience the effects of these differences in everything from the entertainment industry to our conversations concerning sex-ed in public schools. By reading Cherry’s book, we are able to understand the reasons for our views on sex and bodily pleasure. This knowledge may give us the ability not only to discuss our own beliefs more rationally, but also be more open minded to the beliefs and opinion of others. Because of this, I think that Cherry’s book is an important book—one that should be read.

I whole heartedly recommend this book for your reading list. The knowledge and understanding that you gain on this topic that is dear to us all will be a blessing to you.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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