Book Review: Singleness and Marriage


Singleness and Marriage Singleness and Marriage after Christendom, Lina Toth (Cascade, Eugene, 2021) Congregations have long acknowledged they have a problem when it comes to Singles Ministries. The Christian Church has become the haven of couples and families. Women also make up a significant percentage of congregants. These demographics don’t mirror those of society where […]

Book Review: The Standard


The Standard The Standard: Discovering Jesus as the Standard for Masculinity, Josh Khachadourian (Self-published, Khachadourian, 2020) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is the question that popped into my mind when I picked up Josh Khachadourian’s self-improvement manual for men entitled, The Standard: Discovering Jesus as the Standard for Masculinity.” Has Khachadourian […]

Choosing Faith


Choosing Faith, John W. Saultz (Resource, Eugene, 2019) Choosing Faith Faith is an overused word in modern society, especially in Christian circles. We “live by faith,” “are saved by grace through faith,” “need more faith,” and take “steps or leaps of faith.” We commonly encourage people to “have faith,” or “keep the faith.” We use […]

Elements of Life and Grace


Rationality, Humility, and Spirituality in Christian Life, Dennis Hiebert (Cascade, Eugene, 2020) Elements of Life and Grace Dennis Hiebert has written a fascinating book, which investigates three aspects of the Christian Life. His book is entitled, Rationality, Humility and Spirituality in Christian Life. It is all too easy for us to become complacent in our […]