Encouraging Discussion and Change

We Love You, But You’re Going to Hell: Christians and Homosexuality Agree, Disagree, Take a Look, Dr. Kim O’Reilly (New York, Elm Hill, 2020). One of the hot button issues currently dividing Christianity is homosexuality. Traditionally the church has been against same sex relationships and its various permutations. In recent decades, however, there has been […]

Lessons on Mental Illness

On Satan, Demons, and Psychiartry

Lessons on Mental Illness On Satan, Demons, and Psychiatry: Exploring Mental Illness in the Bible, by Ragy R. Girgis, M.D. (Eugene, OR, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2020.) Stories of unclean spirits and demonic possession catch the attention of readers of the Bible. The faithful rejoice over Jesus’ authority over evil and his ability to cast […]

An Examination of Christian Ethics

Honest to Goodness

An Examination of Christian Ethics   Honest to Goodness: an Ethical and Spiritual Odyssey, Martin Prozesky, Eugene, OR, Resource Publications, 2019 The Christian church is in a quandary. Our disagreements and arguments have changed from communion and baptism to same sex relationships, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the treatment of refugees […]

The Kingdom and the Climate

The Green Good News

The Green Good News: Christ’s Path to Sustainable and Joyful Life, T. Wilson Dickinson, (Cascade Books, Eugene, 2019). The Kingdom and the Climate Wilson Dickinson, in his book The Green Good News, addresses the topic of climate change. Climate change is a hot topic. We have read books and articles on the topic, and we […]

Closet Discoveries

There’s a God in My Closet: Encountering the Love Who Embraces Our Skeletons, Ben Delong, Resource Publications, Eugene, 2019. The purpose of closets is to store things. Jackets and coats go in the closet near the front door. Clothes are hung up in the bedroom closets, and towels in the closets near the bathrooms. Frequently […]