1 Peter 3:13-22, Persecution


Persecution Devotions on 1 Peter 3:13-22 Monday, Persecution “But even if you do suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed” (1 Peter 3:14a). “The times they are a changin’.” Bob Dylan sang and prophesied well. Who would have guess that there would be a time when the two words, “Christian,” and “Activist” would […]

1 Peter 2:1-9, 19-25, Living Stones

Living Stones

Living Stones 1 Peter 2:1-9, 19-25 Monday–Living Stones “Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, envy, and all slander” (1 Peter 2:1). We make excuses for ourselves. “We have a short fuse,” we explain, “Our anger is like a volcano. Once it blows we can’t do anything until it stops. It’s beyond […]

Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17–Moses and the 10 Commandments

Moses and the 10 Commandments

Moses and the 10 Commandments Devotions on Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17    Monday–Moses and the 10 Commandments “The Lord called to him [Moses] from the mountain” (Exodus 19:3). Toshi and Tyneal had been friends since grade school. Recently though they had a little spiff over a girl to whom they were both attracted. They had’t been […]

Philippians 2:1-13, Jesus Emptied Himself

Jesus Emptied Himself

Jesus Emptied Himself Devotions on Philippians 2:1-13   Monday–Jesus Emptied Himself “Make my joy complete” (Philippians 2:2a)  Amy was frightened. After being groomed to take over a four generation family business, she was going to tell her father that she wanted to pursue another career. Taking a deep breath, Amy knocked on the office door, […]

Philippians 1:1-18a–Paul, Who Wrote Philippians

Paul Who Wrote Philippians

Paul, Who Wrote Philippians Devotions on Philippians 1:1-18a Monday–Paul, Who Wrote Philippians “I thank my God every time I remember you” (Philippians 1:3).  Family and friends gathered around Sally for her one hundredth birthday. Part of the celebration, as usual, was an opportunity for Sally to share with everyone the wisdom that she had learned […]