
Sign up for the “Toward A Sane Faith” mailing list and receive a free book, “Bible Readings for Growing Christians”.
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  • Daily Devotions
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I look forward serving you, encouraging in your walk of faith and getting to know you.


9 Replies to “Connect”

  1. The formatting of your emails to subscribers is out of wack. The box margins don’t enclose the text and in fact make it hard to read.

    1. Thank you Christopher for letting me know. I’ll work on the problem before the next email goes out.


  2. Such a nice blog.

    I have read an amazing article here.

  3. Margaret Torgelson says: Reply

    Dear Kevin,
    I’m reading You Are The Way, Devotions for Lent 2018. It is the best I’ve used in a long time. They are short & referencing authors to ‘ponder’’ plus your further thoughts on the scripture is so helpful & promotes us to ‘think’ out of the box,, Wonderful job,,

  4. Hi Kevin! I’m an ELCA pastor currently serving in Western ND. I appreciate your work and would like some clarification as to its use. Am I able to quote from your work (giving credit where credit is due, of course) say, in a sermon, or are you saying in your rules and refs that any reference to your work is strictly prohibited?

    1. You are more than welcome to use my material. I am so pleased that you find it helpful. If you can please recommend the blog site to others.

  5. Rev Shuna Dicks says: Reply

    Hi there
    I am hoping that you will give permission for me to use some of the wording on your Daily Devotions relating to the Book of Ruth in a sermon I am preaching this Sunday (with full accreditation of course) I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and they fit perfectly with what I hope to say and feel God is asking me to say..
    I look forward to hearing from you. Blessings on your work.

    1. I’m honored that you believe I have given you something to share. Most definitely, quote away.

  6. Dear Friends,
    We really like your website a lot. We have been watching your website and studying it with many here for a long time.  We all are glad to know you through your website and we are happy for the good work you’re doing. I thank God for his mighty connection to you today.  My name is Pastor Mark from Kenya and I am the lead Pastor of our local church started 6 years ago. The main goal of our church is to reach out to people in need and to spread the gospel as it is outlined in the Bible.One of our practices is to hold church spiritual that helps to educate, encourage and provide ministry support to Christian believers who carry the gospel commission. We also do house to house evangelism to share the love of God those in local villages and to win them back to Jesus. Would you like me to share some ministry pictures? It will be a blessing to share with you more about our small church and please would be happy to Skype or zoom with you.God bless you and your ministry and kindly request you to help us share God’s word with others and also please pray for our small church to get more spiritual materials like Bibles, books and please if you come across children books you can share to bless children in our church.
    In His Grace
    Pastor Mark

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