Daring to Think Again Offers Fresh Perspective

Dare to Think Again
Dare to Think Again
Dare to Think Again

Book Review: Daring to Think Again

By David Brisbin

Perspective is very important. We have all seen pictures that are optical illusions. In one you see a young woman or and old hag. In another a chalice or the profile of two people. There are scores of others, and what you see is determined by your perspective. I’ve been amazed in my conversations with my Trumper relatives. We watched the same impeachment proceedings and came away with decidedly different interpretations of what happened. All of it was determined by our perspectives.

David Brisbin, in his book, Daring to Think Again: Restoring Jesus’ Original Challenge to the Faith We Think We Know, (San Juan Capistrano, CA, The Effect, 2019), gives us a different perspective on the spiritual life. His perspective is intriguing and challenging. Brisbin’s premise is that between our western way of thinking and the doctrines of the western church we see Jesus’ teachings in the wrong light. In other words, we have the wrong perspective—a perspective that has directed us down the wrong path. It is a path that does not lead to where we want to go—or where Jesus wants us to go.

Tastefully Done

I appreciate the way Brisbin writes. He has a solid knowledge of Aramaic and eastern thought. He mixes this with Christian classics such as Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God, and spices the batter up with modern references like “The Wizard of Oz,” and “The Star Wars” saga. The product is a delicacy that is readily applicable to the life of the reader. One comes away from the book not only feeling informed and intrigued, but also nourished and satisfied.

This is a book that creates a hunger to be read again and again. With each reading different nuances and flavors appear that enable the experience to be fresh and new, while at the same time, being able to build upon the previous readings.

I think you’ll like this book. Certainly, I know that I did and I encourage you to place it at the top of your “books to be read” list.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.




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