Elements of Life and Grace


Rationality, Humility, and Spirituality in Christian Life, Dennis Hiebert (Cascade, Eugene, 2020)

Elements of Life and Grace

Dennis Hiebert has written a fascinating book, which investigates three aspects of the Christian Life. His book is entitled, Rationality, Humility and Spirituality in Christian Life.

It is all too easy for us to become complacent in our Christian lives. The journey of faith becomes tiresome and the River of Life, which flows through us, subsides from a rushing stream to a mere trickle. We may attempt to reinvigorate our walk by setting goals, increased diligence, or trying something new. Dennis Hiebert invites us to reflect on three elements of the Christian life; rationality, humility and spirituality.

I appreciate Hiebert’s in-depth, thorough, and balanced presentation of these three topics. Rationality has frequently been depicted as the antithesis of faith. Hiebert takes a different approach. Rationality is not presented as the enemy. Instead Hiebert discusses the history of rationality in human thought, the many forms it has taken and how it had changed throughout history and in modern times.  Examples are given where rejection of rationality has limited one’s experience of the divine. Other stories are shared about how rationality can enliven and strengthen faith.

Hiebert’s discussion of the characteristic of humility is refreshing. Humility is not a popular topic in America. In fact, it is almost thought to be un-American. Hiebert shows that humility is an essential characteristic in one’s walk of faith. It is also an important dynamic in our lives within our communities.

The book’s section on spirituality is not limited to traditional Christian practices. Rather, it includes a wide variety of spiritual experiences and disciplines from a variety of faith traditions. In the discussion of this topic there is the invitation to explore, experiment and expand our encounter of the divine.

I found Hiebert’s book to be a challenging read. Yet, the time spent reading and reflecting on these elements of life and faith were like spreading fertilizer on my field of faith. It produced deeper roots, lusher foliage, and more vibrant blossoms. I encourage everyone to  give this book a good read and reflect on what it has to share.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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