Experiencing a Relationship with the Trinity


I’m excited! I just finished reading a book on the Trinity that is life changing. Doesn’t that sound odd? Trinity isn’t usually paired with “life-changing.” Usually Trinity is connected to “boring,” “stodgy,” “traditional” and “orthodox”–all rather unappealing words. The book that I’m writing about is The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation, by Richard Rohr with Mike Morrell (Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA, 2016).

I admit I was a skeptic–even as an ordained Lutheran pastor. I had studied the Trinity, read several books and a few church fathers on the topic. I could diagram the Trinity with triangles and circles and if people asked questions or didn’t understand my artwork, I’d explain to them that the Trinity was a mystery. I was beginning to believe that the Trinity was a theological concept that was conjured up by well-meaning Christians who were trying to explain how Jesus could be God incarnate. Rohr and Morrell’s book changed my skepticism to amazement and a dead concept to a living reality.

The thing that makes Divine Dance different from other books on the Trinity is that it sees the Trinity in terms of relationship. Usually we see the Trinity as an object–something to be examined, dissected and defined. When we do this we turn the Trinity into a cadaver. The Divine Dance brings new life to the Trinity and by doing so we suddenly experience a relationship with a living being.

Relationship is a key concept in understanding the Trinity. The three persons of the Trinity are in a loving relationship with each other. The Trinity invites us to join that relationship, and like all relationships we are changed by our relationship with the Trinity. When we act on the invitation, we begin a lifelong adventure.

Divine Dance is a fascinating read, but it is not an easy read. It contains a lot of information–too much to fully absorb in one pass. Because of this it is a book that invites repeat readings and reflections.

I can’t recommend this book enough. You will be glad you read it–but be prepared to be changed.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CAR, Part 255.





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