Book Review, Holy Troublemakers

Holy Troublemakers

Everyday Saints

Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional; Saints, Daneen Akers, (Oceanside, CA, Watchfire Media, 2019).

Oftentimes saints are portrayed as larger than life. People like Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Bishop Oscar Romero inspire us. We are humbled by their life stories and accomplishments. We can never imagine, though, that we could be like them. Their greatness hinders us from being called to action.

Daneen Akers in her book, Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints, provides an antidote for saintly greatness. Her book is full of everyday saints—people like you and me. Aker’s saints come in every shape and color. Some of her saints are gay, while most are straight. They come from countries around the world and from all walks of life. The thing that sets them apart is that they have allowed their faith to motivate them to use their talents to touch the lives of others.

Simple, Powerful Stories

Aker tells their stories in a clear, concise manner. Readers can identify with many of the saints in the pages of this book. The stories inspire, instruct and motivate. Through these stories, readers realize that the Spirit of God works in many ways and uses a variety of people. Ordinary people are used to share love and accomplish God’s will. The seed is planted in the readers’ minds that if God can use these saints, God can use the readers, also.

I think that this book can be especially useful for children. The diversity and commonality of the saints included in this book can spark their imaginations and creativity. I think both young and old will enjoy this book. Sit back and read about good people doing good things.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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