A Glimpse of Heaven on the Journey

I Know What Heaven Looks Like
I Know What Heaven Looks Like
I Know What Heaven Looks Like

A book review of “I Know What Heaven Looks Like”

The bookshelves of my study are stacked with “How To” books. Titles on how to study the Bible, how to write, how to be successful in life and how to grill the perfect steak peek out at me. Most of these books have been helpful. I have learned how to do a lot of things, from reading them. I was reminded recently, though, that increased knowledge is not the only reason to read a non-fiction book.

The book that reminded me of this was I Know What Heaven Looks Like: A Modern Day Coming of Age Story, by Lawrence T. Richardson (Columbia, S.C., 2018). I Know What Heaven Looks Like, is a personal story—a biography. I frequently read biographies of famous people. Being caught up in their stories, I am amazed at their accomplishments, overwhelmed by the obstacles they faced and overcame, and humbled by the thought that I’d never be able to do what they did. I find the stories of common people more inspiring. I can identify with some of the challenges they faced and believe that I can reach the goals and succeed, as they did.

Lawrence’s story is different than my story or the stories of people I rub shoulders with on a daily basis. For one thing, Lawrence began life as Teasha. I don’t know many transgender people, but I think it is important for you and me to hear their stories. Lawrence’s tale includes the struggle of race, the experience of poverty, drugs and a broken family. His story also includes being raised in the church, with both the betrayal and support of the community. There is also a call to ministry and the challenge of being the person he feels God called him to be.

Some of Lawrence’s story is all too common—like his rejection by some church members. At the same time, he also (thankfully) had the support of some important people in his life. Through it all, Lawrence does not abandon the God who called him or the people he was called to serve.

Lawrence has a good story to tell—one that is worth reading. It is a story that has the ability to open our minds and even touch our hearts. I Know What Heaven Looks Like is able to inspire and encourage us in our lives of faith and our journey as followers of Jesus.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.




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