Interview with Joab

Interview with Joab

Interview with Joab, Michael Braswell (Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2014).

They say, “History is written by the victors.” We are currently learning the validity of this observation, as minority historical accounts emerge, such as African American, Native American, and Feminine. History looks quite different when viewed from these different perspectives.

The same could be said of the biblical stories we have heard so often and know so well. We see God, other nations, and creation through the eyes of Abraham, Moses, Ruth, David, Peter, Mary, and Paul—giants of the faith. Would anything be different if we learned the stories of the Bible’s supporting actors—people like Jacob’s brother, Esau, Joseph’s brothers, Hagar and Ishmael, David’s friend, Jonathan, or James the brother of Jesus? Would our perspectives on God and life expand and our faith deepen?

Michael Braswell in his book, Interview with Joab, has creatively brought several of the Bible’s minor characters to life and told the well-known stories of Scripture from their perspective. Braswell’s work is certainly fiction. It is not meant to replace the stories we have learned, or to call them into question. What Braswell does is offer us thought provoking perspectives and fresh interpretations. The greatest gift this book gives its readers is an opportunity to pause and think.

Though the book can be a personal read, I think it will be best used by groups. The new views and topics it uncovers are ripe for discussion. Such discussions offer opportunities for growth and possibly transformation. If you aren’t a member of a book club, then start one. Ask the members to purchase this book, and then get ready for great conversations and more.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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