New and Improved-Logos 10

Logos 10
Logos 10, A New and Improved Version of Logos

Logos 10 Review

Having been raised in a pietistic branch of the Lutheran Church, I can truthfully say I’ve been surrounded by Scripture my entire life. Sunday school was Bible stories, flannel boards, and verse memorization. I endured the Lutheran hazing of confirmation, which was filled with more memorizing and Bible study. During my high school years, I was immersed in youth group activities, and in college Outreach Teams. After four years of seminary, I served Lutheran congregations for over forty years. I have written in, highlighted and worn out my share of study Bibles. I know the “good, bad and the ugly” of a multitude of Bible translations and study Bibles. It is because of my background and exposure to Scripture that I can say, in all honesty, “I LOVE Logos 10.”

I have used Logos software for almost two decades. I started with a basic package and gradually increased my library. New versions of Logos software were offered on a regular basis. Each one offered new features that enabled users to deepen and widen the study of Scripture. Logos 10 is no exception. Logos 10 is more than just a tweaking of the previous version, Logos 9. It makes some major leaps in the study of the Bible and biblically related resources. These improvements almost make it a “have to have” for pastors, biblical scholars and theologians. They also make it highly desirable for serious lay readers and people who want more than simply a passing acquaintance with the Bible.

One of the characteristics of Logos 10 that I like is that it is fast—faster than Logos 9. I have my study screen set up so that the Bible is on half and a commentary on the other half. Scrolling down the Bible, I can hover over a word and immediately have the definition pop up. A right click of the mouse gives me the Greek or Hebrew word along with a list of definitions and word studies. A click on any of those links and I’m immediately into a resource. Another click can open up windows with different Bible translations and biblical commentaries—all linked to the passage I am studying. The process is so fast, quick and easy. I must confess that I inwardly groan whenever I have a regular Bible in hand and have to turn to a particular passage. I know, call me spoiled, but it is a spoiled that allows me to look beyond the easy answers provided by study Bibles. Using Logos 10 equips me to recognize the theological positions of commentaries and to gain a broader perspective on the text I am studying.

Do you remember those scenes in the “Harry Potter” movies when a book will magically open? The pages fan through until the book opens on exactly the right page with the information for which Harry, Ron or Hermione are looking. Logo 10 works something like that—only faster. Type in a word, phrase or question into the search box and viola the pages start flying and immediately references to a plethora of resources are listed. If you don’t know the exact words to use or are a little nebulous on the phrasing, there is no problem. Logos 10’a artificial intelligence will help you out. The search engine is whip smart intuitive. It’s like Hermione Granger at your side whispering in your ear the word and its correct pronunciation for your next spell.

Pop ups are a new feature of Logos 10. Narrow your focus to a word, phrase or verse, and a pop up will appear that offers additional information. I must confess, at first I thought they were intrusive—like a stranger butting into a conversation in order to ask an off the topic question. When I started to pay attention to the information they offered though, I was amazed. Wow! They offered new perspectives, fresh opinions and answers to questions I hadn’t thought to ask. They have enriched my study and research by at least a factor of 10.

No longer am I an active pastor who preaches Sunday after Sunday. When I was, I appreciated the sermon writing tools. While writing a sermon, I was able to include slides and videos. Storage of my sermons was easy and organized. Logos 10 now offers the ability for pastors and speakers to store and organize all of their sermons and presentations in one convenient location.

Logos 10 is a wonderful tool. It is also a life changing tool. Yes, I have learned more and I have a greater understanding of several biblical topics and theological subjects. But, Logos has given me more. The Holy Spirit has touched my heart through this software. I have been drawn into a closer relationship with the Holy One and strengthened in my personal walk of faith. To say that I highly recommend it doesn’t seem to be adequate. Logos 10 is great! #logos10

CLICK HERE to check out have Logos 10 has to offer.

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