A Refreshing and Inviting Read–Out of the Depths

Out of the Depths

Refreshing and Inviting Read–Out of the Depths


Out of the Depths
Out of the Depths

I just finished reading Out of the Depths: Sermons and Essays, by Kenneth E. Kovacs (Parson Porch Books, 2016). I found it to be a refreshing book that also invites the reader to a deeper walk of faith.

Kovacs book is a collection of his sermons and essays from over the years. As a fellow pastor, I’ve read my share of sermons. I found that Kovacs’ sermon offer a different perspective on several Biblical passages that open up new meaning to text. With a Jungian background, Kovacs uses his new findings to encourage the reader to enter into a deeper dialogue with himself or herself. The purpose is to grow and mature as a person and also in his or her walk with God.

Kovacs is gentle in his manner. He nudges the reader along the journey of discovery. He walks with the reader as the travel into new areas and discover new things about himself or herself and also about God.

This is not a book to rush through. It invites reflection and deeper thought. It is a pleasant book to read in the silence of a pre-dawn morning, or curled up in an afghan in front of the fireplace. The reward for taking such times to read can be rich and exciting.

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