Passing On Scruples

Shadows, by Evie Yoder Miller

Shadows, Evie Yoder Miller (Resource, Eugene, 2020)

Loyalties, Evie Yoder Miller (Recourse, Eugene, 2020)

Passing On Scruples

Evie Yoder Miller’s enlightening novels, Shadows and Loyalties, are books one and two of a series entitled, “Scruples on the Line.” They are works of historical fiction set in and around the time of the Civil War. That was a time of high emotions, civil unrest, and political division. The viability of the United States of America and democracy were in question. It was a time very similar to our own.

Edmund Burke is quoted as saying, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Burke’s statement highlights the power and importance of Miller’s novels. Miller paints a graphic picture of this critical period of American history. Her landscape, however, is painted in slightly different hues of the spectrum, because she paints from the palate of Christian faith. The characters of Shadows and Loyalties have Mennonite and Amish backgrounds. Their Christian beliefs influence the way they address life’s daily challenges, personal relationships, political divisions and the issue of slavery. Their anabaptist, pacifist roots add another important dimension to their stories.

Miller’s books allow Christian readers to enter into the challenge of living out one’s faith, seeking justice, and opposing long held beliefs and entrenched institutions. Readers can easily identify with the struggles of the book’s characters. Lessons can be learned from both successes and failures, effective actions and mistakes. These books are thought provoking.

My only criticism of the books is that sometimes they read more like history textbooks instead of historical fiction. Miller is a detailed realist and does not paint in broad strokes. Though I could identify with the characters, I was not drawn into the narrative. This was my struggle. Others may not experience this problem.

Shadows and Loyalties, took some effort for me to read. Still, I recommend these books. I believe they contain important lessons for us. They bring to light issues with which we need to wrestle. The books also offer a ray of hope.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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