“Post Truth,” A Book Review


Post Truth? Facts and Faithfulness, Jeffrey Dudiak (Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2022)

Life had been so simple. We knew what truth was, and if we didn’t, we knew where to find it. There were natural laws and the Holy Scriptures to guide us. People in authority; parents, teachers, the police and the clergy, we believed, told us the truth. Now, all of that has gone, and the truth has gone with it.

What is truth? We debate the validity of natural laws. There are competing holy writings (though much of what they contain is in agreement with each other). Elected officials make it a habit to lie to us and claim something is true when obviously it is not. Many adults have not grown out of their teenage suspicion of parents. Police are on the take. The clergy are hypocrites, and teachers have lost all authority in the classroom. Truth is at least illusive if not completely lost. What is left is “Alice in Wonderland” world of relativism—“What is true for you is not necessarily true for me, and visa versa.”

Into the fray comes a little book entitled, Post-Truth? Facts and Faithfulness, by Jeffry Dudiak. In a few short pages (54 to be exact), Dudiak gives the reader a definition of truth, a brief history of truth, lays out a method to discover the truth, and a way to live truthfully. He does this in a clear and concise manner, with a self-deprecating humor. Though Dudiak’s propositions are brief, their brevity does not negate their validity. His book is like a college philosophy 101 course. It lays the foundation for further research and reflection.

I enjoyed this book. The book challenged me to examine what I believe to be truth, my sources of truth and how I live in that truth. It has helped me to understand the topic of truth and think more clearly about truth. My conversations have been more helpful when I assist others in their search for truth. I highly recommend this book. You will find it helpful and enjoyable, too.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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