Returning to Eden


Returning to Eden

Returning to Eden: A Field Guide for the Spiritual Journey, Heather Hamilton (Quoir, Chico, CA, 2023)

Heather Hamilton joins a growing number of authors who write about their transition (escape) from conservative, evangelical Christianity. Heather and her husband had long histories of leadership in evangelical congregations. This chapter of Heather’s life, however, ended abruptly with the advent of a nervous breakdown complete with panic attacks, hopelessness, and despair. Thenext chapter of her life began when her 911 call for help was answered by a transgender woman.

Though her departure from conservative, evangelical Christianity is the beginning point of her book, Returning to Eden: A Field Guide for the Spiritual Journey, it is not the main topic of Heather’s book. Instead, Heather focuses on what she discovered about God and Scripture when she stopped reading the Bible through the infallible, inerrant lens. What she uncovered was life changing.

In Returning to Eden, Heather shares the lessons she has learned when she began to read the Bible as a compilation of stories that contain profound truths. One of the main truths she discovered was that many Bible passages encourage God’s children to shed their false selves—the personages they project to the world—and claim their true selves—who they are as children of God. Her insights are not only important for those who are transitioning from conservative evangelical Christianity to other expressions of faith, but to all people who seek a deeper walk with the God of all creation.

Heather writes in a clear, concise style. Her illustrations draw from her personal walk of faith and her experiences as a Christian leader. I found Returning to Eden to be filled with tidbits that I could apply to my life and my walk of faith. There is much to be found in this book and I sincerely recommend it.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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