Scriptural Texts
1 Kings
How do personal struggles and difficult situations shape our lives and affect our faith?
3:1-10 4:1-9 7:11-21
We may never have been suicidal but there have been those times when we have been close to giving up. The idea that life was a precious gift seemed a ridiculous notion, and we wouldn’t have minded if death would have overtaken us. Yet our hearts still beat and air goes in and out of our lungs.
14:7-15 19:23-27
Talk about tough times. Not only had Job endured the loss of his family, wealth and health, but he also had to sit through hours of accusing lectures by his friends. Days and weeks had passed.
31:35-37 38:1-11
Job was feeling pretty proud of himself. For over twenty chapters of his story Job has withstood the accusations of his friends. Job has maintained his integrity and his righteousness. While his friends have tried to knock him down, Job has focused on building himself up. He has succeeded—perhaps overly so.
38:25-27 41:1-8 42:1-6
During those times when life threatens to overpower us and things get out of control, it is both comforting and encouraging to know that the Lord is a powerful God. We journey through each day in the presence of such a God.
1:1-7 3:1-8
One of the most precious gifts that God has given us is the ability to learn. We are all blessed with an innate curiosity. We use this ability to gain knowledge and understanding about what we consider to be important for life. Our basic education consists of the three “R’s”–Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. We branch off from our educational foundations and pursue further education in our special interests and specialties.
Song of Solomon
2:10-13 8:6-7
The Song of Solomon is a love poem about the love between two people. Most commentators justify its existence in the Bible by making it an allegory for God’s love. Though I don’t believe that was the original intent of the poem, I will use it in this manner—as an occasion for us to ponder God’s love.
Jesus’ instructions seem so simple, but we certainly have a difficult time following them.
As disciples of Jesus our lives are changing. Some of the changes are huge and some are small. We are not able to reverse any of the changes that occur in our lives. Even though we may not know all that lies ahead, we step forward in faith knowing that God’s Spirit is within us.
1 Corinthians
15:1-26, 51-57
Jesus appeared to many people on many occasions after his resurrection. He did so in ways that convinced the people that he was more than a vision or a ghost; he was real. Thomas touched his hands and side. The disciples ate with him at Emmaus and on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Paul was riding to Damascus when he was blinded by light and heard Jesus speak to him. People experienced Jesus in their lives and knew that he was alive. Jesus was with them and in the world.
1 Peter 3:13-22
“The times they are a changin’.” Bob Dylan sang and prophesied well. Who would have guess that there would be a time when the two words, “Christian,” and “Activist” would be placed together? Christians used to be content simply worshiping on Sunday mornings and holding fast to doctrines they believed to be crucial for their salvation. We were part of the “System” that unofficially supported our beliefs and values, and sidelined several minority religious faiths. It was a time of “God, home and country.” Such a time is no longer viable (it never was).
2 Peter 1:16-2:2, 15-19 - Watch Out
The depth of the conversation increased, and the tone changed, though, when one of the men shared a story. “Ginny and I had our son, Jason baptized when he was six months old,” he began. “When the pastor poured water over Jason’s head, I felt God’s presence. As the pastor repeated the words, ‘Jason is baptized in the name of the Father …,’ I swear I heard God’s voice proclaiming, ‘This is my son, my beloved, in whom I am well pleased.”