Mark 11:1-11, Jesus Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem

The Crowd Welcomes Jesus Jesus Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem Devotions for Mark 1:1-11 Monday, Jesus Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem “He sent two of his disciples” (Mark 11:1). Grampa and Gramma were coming and certain things needed to be done before their arrival. Extra food had to be purchased and some special treats baked. The guest […]

Matthew 21:1-17, The Triumphant Entry

Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

, The Triumphant Entry Devotions on Matthew 21:1-13 Monday–The Triumphant Entry “Go into the village ahead of you and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her, untie them and bring them to me” (Matthew 21:3). Ten year-old Nathan slid the patio door of his Phoenix home open and stepped onto […]