What Does the Lord Require Devotional Thoughts on Micah 5:2-4, 6:6-8 Monday–What Does the Lord Require “But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah” (Micah 5:2a). Have you ever noticed how often I use the small and the weak? It isn’t that I’m against rich and powerful. […]
Kevin E Ruffcorn
2 Kings 5:1-15a–Naaman the Leper
Naaman the Leaper Devotional Thoughts on 2 Kings 5:1-14 For a little variety, I have written this week’s devotional thoughts as if God were writing directly to you and me.
1 Kings 3:4-28–King Solomon Temple
King Solomon Temple Devotions for 1 Kings 3:4-9 (10-15) 16-28 Monday–King Solomon Temple “The king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there” (1 Kings 3:4). Sacrifices come in all shapes and sizes. Sue sacrificed her time (and a good night’s sleep) chaperoning a lock-in for her congregation’s high school youth. Randy and Ken set their financial […]
2 Samuel 12 & Ps. 51-David and Bathsheba
David and Bathsheba Devotions on 2 Samuel12 & Psalm 51 Monday–David and Bathsheba“But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord” (2 Samuel 12:1a). It was an off-handed comment; one that was said without thought. It was not meant to offend, but rather to be funny. As it turned out it was offensive and […]
Joshua 24:1-15–Covenant Renewal in the Bible
Covenant Renewal in the Bible Devotions on Joshua 24:1-15 Monday–Covenant Renewal in the Bible “I took your father Abraham” (Joshua 24:3a). A new day is about to begin, but before it does Joshua gathers the people and in a prophetic voice calls them to remember what God has done in their lives and in the […]
Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17, Life in Relationship
Life in Relationship Devotions on Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17 Monday–Life in Relationship “The Lord called to him [Moses] from the mountain” (Exodus 19:3). Toshi and Tyneal had been friends since grade school. Recently though they had a little spiff over a girl to whom they were both attracted. They had’t been speaking to each other for […]
Exodus 14:10-14, 21-29–Moses Red Sea
Moses Red Sea Devotions on Exodus 14:10-14, 21-29 Monday–Moses Red Sea “And there were the Egyptians advancing on them” (Exodus 14:10a). There are times when we make mistakes and have to pay the price. We might fail to look both ways when we are backing out of the driveway and cause an accident, or we […]
Genesis 39:1-23–Joseph in Egypt
Joseph in Egypt Devotions on Genesis 39:1-23 Monday–Joseph in Egypt “The Lord was with Joseph” (Genesis 39:2a). His fall from grace was tumultuous. At the beginning of the day he was a favored son and a cocky kid and by the end of the day Joseph was sold as a slave and on his way […]
Genesis 12:1-9, Call of Abraham
Call of Abraham Devotions on Genesis 12:1-9 Monday, Call of Abraham “Now the Lord said to Abram” (Genesis 12:1a). Do you know of anyone who has sent his or her resume to God? “Hey God, I see you’ve got an opening in regional management that I think would be a perfect fit for me.” No, […]
Genesis 6:16-22, 9:8-15–Noah and the Flood
Noah and the Flood Devotions on Genesis 6:16-22, 9:8-15 Monday–Noah and the Flood “Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). I have always enjoyed writing but I never liked those times in English class when the focus was on diagramming sentences, memorizing the rules of punctuation and […]