A Common Miracle

The Miracle
The Miracle, a book by Nathan Monk

The Miracle, Nathan Monk (Abby Publishing, 2020).

Nathan Monk has spun an engaging tale in his book The Miracle. It is a story of a third generation pastor in a fundamentalist mega church. He’s a square peg in a round hole. His gifts and talents are not the same as those of his father and grandfather. The role he plays as a pastor and the congregation he serves is a prison from which he can’t escape. He needs a miracle.

The miracle begins with the tragic, sudden death of his wife, his life-long sweetheart. It isn’t one magic moment, but rather the miracle is a journey. The journey is one from death to new life, from captivity to freedom, and from old beliefs to a new faith. The Spirit moves through many circumstances and several people to bring forth the miracle. The reader walks with the main character through his life’s transforming experiences and relationships.

I appreciated this book, because it shares a journey that is taken by many. The Holy Spirit moves in our lives to empower us to shed old beliefs, which prevent us from fully sharing God’s love and grace, and to enter a new and dynamic life of faith that impacts the lives of others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Miracle is a pleasant read that encourages readers to reflect on the movement of the Holy Spirit and the journeys of faith.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

1 Reply to “A Common Miracle”

  1. Dorothy Dwayre-Wood says: Reply

    I am looking forward to getting myself a copy , maybe with some Christmas money. Sounds like a refreshing change………!

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