Reflections on a Life Changing Experience

The Tea Shop, Karl Forehand (Quoir Publishing, Oak Glen, CA, 2020).

Life is full of gifts. Some gifts sustain us, while others enrich our lives. There are gifts that make us laugh and gifts that bring tears to our eyes. A few gifts change our lives forever.

These gifts, or experiences, are common enough that we have all experienced them. Yet they are rare enough that we examine and ponder them, and keep them in a special place in our memories—especially if the experiences reveal a little about God. Such experiences usually surprise us; they happen when we least expect them. We are reminded that we have not earned them—they are truly gifts.

Karl Forehand writes about such a gift and life changing experience in his book, The Tea Shop. (Quoir Publishing, Oak Glen, CA, 2020). Forehand’s perspective on life was altered and his understanding of God was broadened and deepened. He shares what he learned and his readers have a rich treasure chest of information and ideas to ponder and, if they desire, to incorporate into their lives.

Forehand writes in a clear style. I appreciate his openness concerning his faith walk. The reality and expanse of God’s love was not the only thing revealed in his Tea Shop experience. He also learned several truths about himself and was challenged to allow God’s Spirit to make changes in his life. The life changing experience didn’t end at the Tea Shop. It only began there.

I would have preferred if Forehand would have shared more of his actual Tea Shop experience. He might have been wise though in painting his experience with broad brush strokes so that his readers would not be lost in the details of his experience and downplay the revelations he received.

The lessons Forehand learns have been written about before.  His book is not a new gospel. It is, rather, one pilgrim sharing with his fellow pilgrims his walk so that the whole community can be enriched. I enjoy reading about the faith journeys of people—especially common people—and I think you may well enjoy this book, and grow from your experience of reading it.

I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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