Closet Discoveries

There’s a God in My Closet

There’s a God in My Closet: Encountering the Love Who Embraces Our Skeletons, Ben Delong, Resource Publications, Eugene, 2019.

The purpose of closets is to store things. Jackets and coats go in the closet near the front door. Clothes are hung up in the bedroom closets, and towels in the closets near the bathrooms. Frequently closets are also used to hide things like unused exercise equipment and broken toys. Ben Delong used a closet in his life to hide the things he didn’t want others to see—especially God. Delong even hid God—an angry, vengeful God in a closet. His book, There’s a God in My Closet, tells of his experience of opening his closet door and letting God out.

It is amazing what a person finds when she or he begins to clean out her or his closet. What Delong found in his closet changed his life. The wrathful God he thought he had hidden away deep in the closet had changed. That change offered him a new perspective not only on God, but on himself and on the other items he had hidden in his closet.


I liked Delong’s book. It is honest and personal. Delong’s experience is one with which many of us can identify. For those who have not had a similar experience, Delong’s book is an invitation to open one’s closet and discover what it really contains. This is a good summer read—one that not only will be refreshing, but also one that has the potential to be life-transforming.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


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