Fascinating View Through the Kaleidoscope

Through the Kaleidoscope
Through the Kaleidoscope
Through the Kaleidoscope

Fascinating View through the Kaleidoscope


We have always learned a great deal from observing our animal friends. Soren Kierkegaard had his parable of the geese. Hans Christian Anderson shared his story of the “Ugliest Duckling.” Of course there is Aesop and his fables of a variety of notable animals. Elizabeth Jeffries in her book, Through the Kaleidoscope (Epiphany Publishing, 2019) writes about the lessons she has learned about life and faith from the smallest of creatures—cells (and their innards).

Jefferies is a microbiologist. She grew up in a conservative Christian home and community. As a person of faith, she sought to be devoted totally to God and to know all she could about God. Her college experiences, though, and later her post-graduate education challenged and changed her faith. Instead of looking at life from the perspective of the small peep-hole of conservative Christianity, Jefferies studied life through a microscope and saw a kaleidoscope of wonder, diversity and beauty.

Life Changing Lessons

Her study of cells has given Jefferies a new, fresh understanding of destiny and freedom, of an individual’s place in community, of the vital need for diversity and of purpose of community. Jefferies’ love of science and her use of its tools has led her on a life changing quest. Faith and science have become a way of life.

There is so much that I like about this book. Jefferies writes about microbiology. She does so in a way that enables the reader to understand a little about the activity of cells, but also sees the application to one’s journey of faith. I like the fact that the status quo of Jefferies life was not sacrosanct. She allowed her education, experiences and what she was learning through a microscope to change her. Jefferies also shows the reader that there is more to life than simply gathering a bunch of answers. She’s comfortable living with more questions and enjoys the journey on which they lead her.

I heartily recommend this book to you. You will see life from a new perspective. Lessons of life and faith will be yours, and you will be changed.



I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.



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