Encouraging Discussion and Change

We Love You, But ...
We Love You, But …

We Love You, But You’re Going to Hell: Christians and Homosexuality Agree, Disagree, Take a Look, Dr. Kim O’Reilly (New York, Elm Hill, 2020).

One of the hot button issues currently dividing Christianity is homosexuality. Traditionally the church has been against same sex relationships and its various permutations. In recent decades, however, there has been growing support for the LGBTQ community. Now a few denominations even allow the ordination of individuals who are living in committed same sex relationships and marriages. The debate and battle, however, rages on.

Dr Kim O’Reilly has written a book that seeks to encourage discussion and deescalate the hostilities between Christians. Her book is entitled, We Love You, But You’re Going to Hell: Christians and Homosexuality Agree, Disagree, Take a Look. Dr. O’Reilly brings a unique perspective to the discussion table. She grew up in a conservative, evangelical, pastor’s family. So, she understands the history and theological perspective of those who stand against homosexuality. At the same time, Dr. O’Reilly is a lesbian. Obviously she also understands the view of Scripture and theological stance that allows support of the Queer community.

I really appreciated Dr. Reilly’s book. It is written with empathy and compassion for people on both sides of the discussion. The topics are handled in an even handed manner. The goal of her book is not to brow beat people into agreement, but rather to encourage dialogue. Dr. Reilly provides the facts and information to use in that discussion. Her presentation on the Supreme Court decisions concerning service to members of the Queer community and same sex marriage are very informative and helpful.

I highly recommend this book. Its usefulness is not in building up your position, but rather in understanding the perspective of those on the other side. It can be hoped that the book will lead to fruitful dialogue and perhaps the discovery of some patches of common ground. This common ground might lessen the tensions between Christians and also be a positive development for the Queer community.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


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