Where the Colors Blend Shares Both Doubt and Hope

Where the Colors Blend
Where the Colors Blend
Where the Colors Blend

Book Review: Where the Colors Blend

Where the Colors Blend: An Authentic Journey Through Spiritual Doubt and Despair … and a Beautiful Arrival at Hope, by Stephen Copeland (Morgan James Publishing, New York, 2019).

There are times when stories of strength inspire us. Men and women faced with hopeless situations and insurmountable obstacles overcome them by determination and courage. Books like The Boys in the Boat about the U Washington rowing team that won the 1936 Olympics come to mind. Another one is Unbroken, the account of Louie Zamperini and his struggles to survive in a Japanese POW camp in WWII. Other stories take a different track and inspire us by the vulnerability of the main character. Weak, insecure and confused, the main characters of the stories may come close to giving up. Yet, they continues their struggle until there is resolution in their lives. Where the Colors Blend, is the second kind of book.

The book is a true story about a young man who struggled with the perfectionism and works righteousness which were a part of his conservative evangelical Christian background. Copeland attempts to meet the expectations of others and what he feels to be God’s expectations. He fails miserably. Doubt and despair overwhelm him. Copeland questions God’s presence in his life and also the purpose of his faith.

Never Abandoned

Through his struggle, Copeland is surrounded by loving members of the community of faith. They surround him in prayers. Their lives become messages of hope for him. Eventually Copeland discovers God’s steadfast and unconditional love, which had always been available to him. This encounter with God’s Spirit is a turning point in his life. Copeland begins to live out the abundant life, which is God’s gift to him.

A Reminder

Where the Colors Blend reminds us that the Christian life is not necessarily a gold mine of successes. Instead, it can be a journey that involves doubts, struggles, failure and confusion. God, though, never abandons us. Frequently, God’s moves through the people in our lives to give us the strength and faith to persevere. God’s strength is revealed in our weakness. This is a story worth readying.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.



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